Admissions of a Botter: Day 5, Bot, Bot, Bot, and Bots

in #bots3 years ago

Hello everyone, my name is Mihrk.

I started this series to showcase the average return for a small bot farm (180 bots). I know we have many positions regarding botting and it is my hope by providing this information it can help educate Non-Botters on some of the issues. I know a lot of people for botting and against botting but irregaurdless of your personal beliefs it holds many pros and cons. On top of it, it can be extremely profitable. So today we begin with Day 6!



Here is today's return (day 6). I decided to try and make my post in the morning since I was exhausted from working on studying for my series 6 and 65 license. After a brief test I had some issues with my bots automatically advancing to the next league even when all requirements had been meant. So instead of burning dec at no cost I powered them back down to 7500-8000 power each to compete in Bronze 1. I plan to revisit joining Silver league as soon as that issue is resolved.


Today's return is another good profitable day (most days are profitable). We landed 1 Legendary and 15 Epics. On top of that Dec and SPS prices are rising. These two things put together is the perfect storm for increased returns from botting. Heck when I started for $10 you could print a $1 a day. Those days are gone but for 180 bots these are solid returns. Just remember though, everything needs to be evaluated on a monthly basis.



Woah! Not bad. Overnight we have seen almost a 300 dec increase in rentals. It seems the legendaries from the last few days are starting to pay off in more ways than one!

End of Night Setup for Tomorrow

Alright, So I powered my bots back to bronze 1 while I fix the issue with them advancing. The good news is this reduces my daily cost. I have redelegated some dec this morning (15 minutes) and they're off to the races. Right now I am keeping them up above %50 ECR though I admit I am debating running them dry even with the change to ECR consumption. Reason being is, my money comes from chests. Not battle rewards (If I move that way ill get Archmage Bots at $125 a pop). So low ECR so long as I am generating chests does not matter much to me. However we are giving it a try to see how it works out with above %50 ECR especially since it seems the Splinterlands Team wants to move that way.

Bot Rewards at End of Day Today

Alright, today has been a good day. With lowering the Costs of Bots back to Bronze 1 our daily investment comes out to an even $6.00 once more. So let's crunch these numbers.

My Daily Costs

Cost per Bot

One Time:

$10 Per account
$4 dollars in Hive Power (This was $2 dollars before but has shown to be inefficient. I am doubling my investment for the second time here over the next few weeks.)
100 dec to power it

Daily as of 7/20/2022:
$0.03 per day
~58 dec per day for desired cards. Rental prices have increased a bit as the season goes on. Honestly this cost is going to be the average of the season going forth.

Todays Return: is $6.04

My Daily cost right now is $6 a day not including the dec to keep these bots active (we have rounded that up to about $2.00 a day. Todays Gross return was $12.04 so it has been a profitable day.

Want the History since we started? Want to know how to Bot?

This is a question I wanted to ask the community. I am a botter and a lot of us in this community are really a learn as you go. I am in the middle of writing a guide book for a friend on how to Bot with no technical Know how outside of getting dec (which can now be done with a Credit Card. Way to go Splinterlands Team!). If this is something you, the community is interested in let me know, my ingame name is the same as here Mihrk. You can find me in the Splinterlands discord. \

Check out the Previous days Returns or stay tuned for the 30 day Grand total!

Admissions of a Botter: Day 3 and 4. We are Killing It!
Admissions of a Botter: Day 2, a Gold Foil Legendary
Admissions of a Botter: Day 1 of Season
Admissions of a Botter

About Me

I have been botting for about a year now. I have grown my Card Power from botting alone from 50k to 300k. I currently run 180 accounts daily and utilize a 3rd party Rental Service and Battler Service. I do have some proprietary Bots for reselling but at this time it is not running. I am currently learning Java and Python (some experience here). Splinterlands is my only Crypto game I participate in at this time but always looking for more.

If you enjoyed tonight's content please leave some constructive feedback. My Grammar isn't the best but I hope I conveyed what you needed to know. If it was too long or you have any questions please let me know!

View yesterdays Post Here.a


Woah, that is some really nice returns, not sure why people don't like bots. they have never bothered me lol

Hi Mihrk, i just discovered your 30 day challenge - great topic! - I appreciate your transparency!
Keep it up!