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RE: Last Minute Upvoter Accounts (2018-02-19)

in #bots7 years ago

Oh wow so this is how we measure ourselves is it?
By how much we accumulate in this closed system of delusional existence...

Fuck man I used to think you at least had intelligence.
I still think you are a lonely cunt who struggles to be loved but you at least come acrross as knowledgeable in the space of crypto. IF THAT PERSON who they claim is you is you.

What do you think this flag attack will do though....
If you had a clue you would know I don't post here for reward.
I simply make commentary on what I observe. So the only thing you are doing is hurting your VP for the fight which you think is worth the effort. WHAT A DUMB CUNT.

Carry on though... you will feel good about it at the end of the night when you tuck yourself in.