If you have taken in for your balcony, pay attention to this because you usually need big flower pots. Also, since it is very sensitive, remove the root system without moving it while you grow the pot, remove it as a whole without shaking it with your dry soil and plant a new pot. Even if you do not like the sun very much, if you plan to balkonize, be careful to keep your pots in the shade, cool.
Bougainvillea Raspberry Ice
It's not much of a winter cold. The endurance is about -1 ° C, but it can last for a few hours at cold temperatures of -3, -4 ° C after it gets used and is strong. Winter does not grow in horticultural areas, but it grows at home in the pot. After preserving for two years in places where winter is not cold like Istanbul, there is no need to protect it, and the plant protects its durability. Front facades are not suitable for northern winds.
The branches of the branches that go on and on are going to have to be torn down so that they flow up so much that branches come out in plenty of branches. The blooming is in the new side dallows, so it should always be done regularly. Begonvil plant is grown with a pleasant appearance of flowers. There are two color varieties such as pink, white, purple and tones, orange, and pink.
When we grow in the pot, we must use quality garden soil, 1/4 pumice stone and burnt cattle.
You can change the pot once every 1 or 2 years when the roots are well in the pot. If the roots are not covered well, the bougainvillea may not bloom much, and if the bouquet grows well, the bloom is more frequent if it remains in the permanent pot.
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