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RE: Bougainvilleas revisited.

in #bougainvillea7 years ago

I have here different colors of bougainvilleas. They were blooming beautifully! Yesterday, I went to a friend's house for a visit. It surprised me to see these bougainvilleas blooming all at once! It really envies me seeing them because I also have there flowers in my house but this time they're not flowering. I have constantly watered them but still no flowers bloomed. Perhaps it's not their time to bear flowers. I'm wishing for them to have some blooms because it also relaxes me. These flowers is one of my pastime whenever I have nothing to do. I really enjoyed taking care of them! **

Bougainvilleas are flowering machines. You can't beat them for an explosion of color. Here you'll find care & growing tips for bougainvillea. If you live in a temperate climate and want an (almost) year round floral fiesta, then bougainvillea is the plant for you.

Homeland bougainvillea is considered the coast of Brazil. The plant was first discovered in 1768 in Rio de Janeiro by French naturalist Dr. Philibert commerson the. Named after his dear friend, Admiral Louis-Antoine de Bouganville who commanded the ship La Bodos making a trip around the world in 1766-1769 years in which Commerson was a passenger.


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