
There were some interesting Rock structures there that showed exactly how the lava had flowed and then filled in later amongst rocks that hardened and so there were two different textures. Anyway that was interesting to see. But lava doesn't interest me much.
Some of the Petroglyphs were interesting to see.

Congrats on your numbers today. They were fantastic and it clearly shows how important the PS score is in the final calculation.

yes the lava isn't much to look at but the petroglyphs are fascinating, I remember seeing markings out there done by Native Americans showing them with dinosaurs.

Oh the numbers I have in the league, I am so grateful to you for pointing those out because I don't think anyone else studies them. But they are usually shocking when you compare them, you're like .."how in the world did I not win?' lol. until you see the PS number.
Not that it matters at the moment since I'm not competing but the numbers are still interesting. Did you get the same position as last week?

If some of those petroglyphs are 2,500 years old it's really impossible for me to even imagine who those people were! 300 years ago, sure, I can imagine who they were. It's just too bad that someone didn't set up a video camera when the world began.

My numbers were all down slightly this week except for my CL score which was up by almost 1,000. I've been hanging around 5th 6th and 7th for the past 3 weeks. I need to work on that PS score for this week. I think that must weigh pretty heavy in the calculations.

yes that and the CL seem to be the ones that make the difference or I would have won. The PS score is the hardest to bring up for me though, I already talk to tons of people and then to have to go out and try to find even more to talk to...that's why it's been a relief not to compete.

Wednesday would be a good day to come by and click on my link for my Shadow contest. It's always at the bottom of all of my posts. There are a lot of people there that you could go through quickly and comment on all of their Shadow photo entries. The numbers have been down, but some weeks there's as many as 50. It's a quick way to get comments on new people.

oh that sounds good, is that what you do?
well I'll keep that in mind if I get back into the contest.

It is. I comment on all their replies on my post, and then go to their links and comment there, too. Just brief comments thanking them for entering, because I can't look biased!