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RE: Boulder Sunday

I remember hearing about that zoo and seeing pictures. What a horrible thing and such a clear example of the appalling things that are happening in your country. I do not understand why they would not have given the animals to another country that could have provided good care for them. It is very sad.


That is the worst of all that other countries offered help and did not want to. Well, if everything seems to get worse, with this pay raise today we went out to buy some food stuff and materials for the cakes and we did not find anything

Oh no! What will you do?

I really do not know. I do not want to despair because I feel that I am quite depressed, I will wait to see if this week I find some things. Also for this week I have no order for cakes hopefully have any to be able to contribute some money to the house

Hang in there! Hopefully things will look brighter in the morning.