A day outside...

This is my photo for #bouldersunday which was started by @shasta. I took this photo while on a trip up to Marquette. It looked like this "little" boulder is holding up the great big ones. It was snowy, but a great day for a walk.


Thank you for visiting today. I hope you enjoyed my #bouldersunday post.

If you enjoy rocks and minerals, you might enjoy the following:

#rockhound by @bitfiend #bouldersunday by @shasta #mineralmondays by @rt395 #fridaysrock by @nat-expressions


I'll see your snow covered boulder with a snow covered boulder and I raise a bunch of snow

I love it! Beautiful photo!!

Awe how cool! a boulder family! :-)
Awesome with there snow caps

Thank you so much for participating in
and ice teeth! Very nice @nat-expressions!! #bouldersunday