I think a way of fixing this downward curve would be reducing the whales vote value and increase the minnows voting power a little, also limit the power ups to just a certain percentage. I am not to deep into how Steemit really works so maybe I'm giving an opinion where I shouldn't but anyway as it's the first comment maybe I can get something going.
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I think it is actually not that easy. There is a real reason why whales have so much power. I think the curation could be improved, however i do think that rich people having more voting power is a good thing.
I don't disagree, but if the whales are just voting for their buddies, real talent will start leaving, I mean the people who write real good, informative, well thought out articles, I for one don't care, I am not much of a writer so my expectations are very limited. Still I would like to see Steemit succeed.
Good one, pal.