You have 4 weeks to perform as many tasks as possible
to earn more stakes and get your
★ 40 000 IPT will be allocated to all participants due to the number of stakes earned.
Bonus to those who starts first:
Get +50% more stakes to the number of stakes you earn for the 1st week.
Get +30% more stakes to the number of stakes you earn for the 2nd week.
Get +10% more stakes to the number of stakes you earn for the 3rd week.
Get +0% more stakes to the number of stakes you earn for the 4th week.
★ In addition, USD 250.00 will be shared between 6 participants selected randomly - we take one participant from each bounty category below:
Duration: 4 weeks
Start: Feb 28, 2019
End: Mar 27, 2019
Join Now! Regist here:
Author: Innerpumper
Link Profil:;u=1139194