in #bounty7 years ago (edited)

The days in which Wall Street investors could wave away cryptocurrency like some kind of passing fad are long behind us. Crypto has captured the attention of both American and international markets, and whether you’ve invested in Bitcoin itself or the Ethereum exchange , there’s no doubt cryptocurrencies are setting the stage for a major shift in the way our financial systems operate.

Cryptocurrencies are around since 2009, one might think that accepting digital currencies on an online store will be an easy task. Yet, the more your look into it, the more sceptical you get popular E-commerce platforms like Amazon, Ebay, and Alibaba have changed the way we live and shop. The convenience, low prices, and huge variety of available products are only a few of the major benefits that E-commerce platforms offer consumers. But at what cost? And where do we go from here?

According to media forecasts, the U.S. online retail market alone will reach 1.2 trillion USD in 2020. While the market is growing, its main problems are beginning to emerge.

Blockchain is paradigm-shifting technology and it will continue to innovate and improve a variety of industries. So how does E-commerce fit into this and how will blockchain help. Blockchain will allow for decentralized marketplaces to emerge that, with the lack of a centralized team and the inherent costs, will provide lower prices for consumers and better rules for retailers. While some early blockchain projects such as Syscoin are creating online marketplaces, none have scratched the surface of tackling all the current issues the E-commerce industry faces.

This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen about Cryptocurrency and a eCommerce platform. It has everything a merchant could dream of; convenience, speed and ease of usage.

Beyond the transactional advantages of accepting cryptocurrency, you also reach more customers by doing so. In a world where governments and large corporations seem to be tracking your every move, customers are becoming more privacy-focused. More and more people are beginning to use cryptocurrencies

There is this great project going on right now, it is called Elysian.

Elysian is a team of Ecommerce and cryptocurrency experts with a plan to connect the multi-trillion dollar Ecommerce industry with the multi-billion dollar global cryptocurrency market by creating a revolutionary, new e-commerce platform. The Elysian ecosystem presents a model for sustainability and healthy growth, along with community integration to connect Elysian supporters directly with the team. The project aims to create a platform that transform the traditions e-commerce through the improvement of security and efficient in order to satisfy customers and investors.

The project will also secure personal information of the customers against cybertheft in order to increase the trust level of customers and investors in e-commerce.

Furthermore the Elysian technology will provide the ultimate convenience. Consumers will have the ability to shop at home in an intimate environment and will have a level of engagement that is similar to an in-store experience. Consequently, both satisfaction and efficiency increase. In addition, the Elysian platform gains a competitive edge against businesses using antiquated methods of user experience and customer engagement.


Total tokens: 1,000,000,000

Hardcap: $19,000,000

The total breakdown of the maximum token supply is outlined below:

Fund Distribution

Token Distribution


For more information, visit https://elycoin.io, and read the technical https://elycoin.io/whitepaper/english]https://elycoin.io/whitepaper/english Join the Community on https://t.me/elysian_ely, https://twitter.com/Elysian_ELY, and https://www.facebook.com/ElysianxELY

This article is Authored by
Username: ranie


ECommerce on blockchain is a nice concept.
This project will be a nice one