in #bounty7 years ago

-DNAtix intends to offer cutting-edge Genetics and Blockchain services which intend to be anonymous and encrypted and intends to include: analysis, storage and transfer of digitized DNA sequences through a Direct-to-Consumer platform (D2C). DNAtix intends to create a future ecosystem for Genetics where consumers, researchers, laboratories and clinics operate making Genetics more accessible, transparent and anonymous.
The DNAtix platform intends to enable users to upload partial or full genomic sequences in an easy and anonymous manner. DNAtix intends to enable its users to take ownership of their genetic data, encouraging them to manage their health today, moving from Reactive to Preventative medicine.
DNAtix intends to sell a crypto Token – DNAtix token, that intends to support future development and use of its DNAtix genetic platform.

-Personalized medicine today, is based on the development of several fields that include diagnostic, (Bio)informatics, big data analysis and genetic/genomics approaches that offer an understanding of the molecular basis of disease and genetic conditions.
Personalized medicine relies on technologies which analyze the DNA, RNA, protein, microbiom and epigenetics make-up of a person, which eventually leads to tailoring specific medical solutions to a disease or condition.
Personalized medicine is referred to as the medical doctrine for treating patients that belong to different groups and aims to tailor medical decisions, practices, interventions and pharmaceutical treatment to the individual patient.
Using predictive tools to assess health risks, one can design personalized health plans to help patients mitigate risks, prevent disease, treating it more precisely when it occurs.

-deCODE’s approach was to identify genes combining genetic analysis with patients’ data found in the Health Sector Database (HSD) holding medical records of all Icelanders.
The personalized medicine market is estimated to reach $149+ billion by 2020 and Covering Companion Genome data sets can be used to identify associations between genetic variants and diseases.
This increase in Genetic testing intends to enable a tailored approach to drug matching that intends to modify selected genes and produces more precise therapies.
“Big data” platforms applying Genomic data intends to enable personalized medical drugs to be tailored for patients with a particular genetic makeup.
DeCode, based in Reykjavík, Iceland was founded in 1996 by Kári Stefánsson[13] to identify human genes associated with common diseases using population studies.

-DNAtix is a cutting-edge Genetics and Blockchain company that intends to provide anonymous and encrypted genetic services including analysis, storage and transfer of digitized DNA sequences through a Direct-to-Consumer platform (D2C).
The DNAtix platform enables users to upload genomic sequences in an easy and manner that upon integration with the blockchain technologies intends to be also anonymous.

-Among potential participants making use of the DNAtix genetic ecosystem are genetic labs, genetic research institutes, genetic researchers, hospitals, companies that provide full genome sequencing, crypto-miners and etc.
DNAtix intend to build the genetic ecosystem of the future that will eventually bring to the world new possibilities in genetic preventive and personalized medicine.

-DNAtix intend to enable its users to take ownership of their genetic data encouraging them to manage their health today, moving from reactive to preventative medicine.
Genetic tests will be offered through the DNAtix platform in areas such as: lifestyle and wellbeing, genealogy, forensics and of course medical genetic tests.
It will then enable the user to run genetic tests and will offer clients the opportunity to get referrals to an appropriate solution provider for many identified genetic conditions.


-The native token of the Bitcoin network also referred to as Bitcoin, has token governance rules based on a crypto economic incentive mechanisms that determines under which circumstances Bitcoin transactions are validated and new blocks are created (Consensus mechanisms).
Native tokens, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are part of the incentive scheme to encourage a diverse group of people who don’t know or trust each other to organize themselves around the purpose of a specific Blockchain.

-Bitcoin and Ether are the best examples of usage tokens — token ownership does not give you any specialized rights within the network, but does give you access to the service (the Bitcoin payment network and the Ethereum Virtual Machine in the case of BTC and ETH).

-That work can be serving as an oracle (in the case of Augur), being the backstop in a collateralized debt system (in the case of Maker), or securing the network (in the case of Ethereum when it switches to proof of stake).
A token that gives users the right to contribute work to a decentralized network or DAO (whether on blockchain level or smart contract level) and earn in exchange for their work.

-With Ethereum, tokens can now easily be sold on the application layer through smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain as so-called complex dApp tokens or complex DAO tokens.

-They are the digital equivalent to physical assets, (like the gold), that you need to claim from a specific person (the goldsmith).The transactions as tokens get passed between people and are recorded on the blockchain.


https://www.facebook.com/dnatixgenetics/ https://twitter.com/DNAtixGenetics https://t.me/dnatix_tokensale https://www.linkedin.com/company/dnatix/ https://github.com/DNAtix https://www.dnatix.com/ https://www.dnatix.com/download/White_Paper.pdf

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