HiBTC - The revoluation for trading exchanges

in #bounty7 years ago
  1. To send the link of your published piece or video, fill in this form.

    1. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by HiBTC staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.

    2. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.

    3. Articles must be longer than 700 words.

    4. Videos must be at least two minutes long.

    5. The article or description of the video must contain at least one link to our website and one link, either to the Whitepaper or to HiBTC website. The article or description must also contain a link to your Bitcointalk profile in order to prove your authorship.

    6. Blogging platforms like Medium, Steemit, Newbium, etc. are allowed but only two posts per person are accepted on these platforms.


I’m very interested in the idea of the project

good project

like article

Brand-new exchange, but have potential to growth, I can see it through their amazing strategy.