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RE: Changed to a heavier ball as a main bowling ball and saw some good results

in #bowling5 months ago

I always go for the heavy ball and never tried the lighter ones.. I think it also had something to do with the finger holes being smaller on the lighter balls. I honestly cannot remember as it was that long ago now being over 20 years at least. I wouldn't know if it is a good or bad idea to play around with the different weights or not as I would guess it could mess your game up.


On house balls that is definitely how it works. They don't put a great deal of thought into making lighter balls for larger hands or vice versa. They try to have an age appropriate weight to hand size ratio so anyone that is quite strong with small hands or the other way around will always struggle to find a house ball that suits them.

Ok that makes sense because my fingers do not fit the smaller balls so I do not get a choice unless I buy my own ball I guess.