Do not fight with your fists alone, think.
Staying in a relaxed state, the tension hardens and slows the reactions.
Remember even the simplest fundamentals learned in the gym, you will have many opportunities to use them.
Look confident at all times, if you are hurt or tired, do not show it, do not forget that the opponent may be going through the same moment.
The left hand gives safer blows.
The right blows use them against kickback.
Keep in constant motion so as not to be hit.
Keep your hands up at all times, try to always be close to the rival, keeping the chin stuck to the chest.
Disorient the opponent with his own maneuvers, but not repeat the same thing twice in a row.
Have your feet under your body, because when you are unbalanced, you are exposed to attack.
When you hit, hit hard and do not push the punches, throw them, throw them only when there is a gap, but, no.
Strike through the target, not towards it, and when you advance hit, since it is not possible to hit hard when backing up, when you hit, advance.
There are two moments of danger, when you go to attack and when you withdraw from it.
Think that a live beat a hook
Never underestimate a rival, think that they are also strong and have two fists.
Study rivals and exploit their weaknesses.
Maintaining a good physical condition, there is nothing that can overcome this.
The best defense is a good attack.
the champions are made, not born.