Well, it is tomorrow for me at least but for those of you that live in the USA I am living in "the future" because the event takes place here on Sunday morning, not Saturday night. Normally I don't get excited about boxing but this is Iron Mike Tyson we are talking about here and hopefully it doesn't end up being embarrassing for both of the legends that are top-billed.

How could it be embarrassing? Well, these dudes are in the 50's and until Mike started training again in 2018 he looked like has heading down the same road that other older athletes such as Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley did - he was getting the man gut and looked like he wasn't in great shape. Even though he has certainly taken a lot of that weight off and looks ripped as hell, this doesn't necessarily mean that he has what it takes to fight 8 rounds (it might just be 6) and is his cardio going to be up to the task? He hasn't had a fight since 2006 after all and he lost that one.
I've been looking forward to this for quite some time after I saw those videos that showed Tyson looking like he still has devastating power in his hands and he actually looks stockier and somehow more dangerous than when he was in his 20's.

One thing that people have to keep in mind is that this is just an exhibition and there are some rumblings that neither Tyson nor Jones Jr. are actually going to be looking to knock one another out. I certainly hope this isn't the case and based on what I know about how friggin crazy Mike Tyson is, I'm just hoping he doesn't bite anyone this time.
I wasn't even aware of this but the undercard actually has some serious fights on it that are for actual vacated belts. I have no idea if this is important or not but I just hope they don't drag on for too long since I am not really down with the idea that this could end up being a 5 hour affair.

The 2nd main event, if that is even what they call the fight that happens before Tyson and Jones Jr. fight is silly in my mind but it involves a YouTube asshat vs an ex NBA player who has no boxing training that I am aware of
Jake Paul is apparently 1-0 as he has one victory as an amateur fighter. I don't like him or his brother but I hope he gets the snot kicked out of him. I don't know much about Nate Robinson but I have read that him and Paul have some sort of Twitter beef or something.
I might be a bit older than you guys but when I was a kid in the 80's Mike Tyson was a god to us. Pay per view, if it even existed at the time, wasn't going to happen in my household but I had a paper route and before delivering any of the newspapers I would skip to the sports section only to find out, time after time, that Tyson was devastating his opponents. I wouldn't even see any of the footage until years later because my family didn't have cable and I think it was on HBO or Showtime back in those days.

I also got to witness Tyson's downfall that eventually landed him in prison and also being really excited when he got out only to find out that prison had actually made him crazier... much crazier. It started to be difficult to be a fan of his because of his antics and racist crap he would spout on about. Then he started biting people's ears in fights and threatening to eat people's kids that don't have any kids. Despite all of this, I was still rooting for one of my childhood heroes.
When he finally bowed out after a few defeats in a row I was as disappointed as anyone and when he started talking about coming back a few years ago I was thrilled. I can say that I am just as excited about tomorrow's event as I have been about fights in the past.
I'd like to believe that Mike has conquered his inner demons but I really don't think that is the case at all. I recently listened to a Joe Rogan Experience episode where Tyson was the guest and it is pretty evident that dude is still pretty nuts. Let's just hope that he doesn't do anything crazy in the ring should we find out that Roy Jones Jr is actually better.
I'm pulling for two things to happen tomorrow: That the fight is interesting and that both Mike and Jones Jr. don't taint their legacies in the process. The fact that there will be no crowd is going to kind of suck... that's for sure. Stupid Covid.
We don't have to pay for pay per view's in Vietnam for some reason. I think there is probably something that the west would consider illegal going on there but I'll be watching it. Will you?
I'll watch the reply, I also don't pay to view (by choice). The six-pack looks to have been replaced by a beer gut. He will still be exciting to watch though.
I wish I could report that this ended up being the case but for the most part it was kind of boring and even a little bit sad.
I saw the highlights, and yeah.. it looked boring, too friendly and .. what they both won? Just like the McNealy fight of 1995 (that lasted 42 seconds), a lot of payers will feel cheated.
I was living in AZ during those times and the mass moaning that came out of many American's mouths was funny...!
I will be looking out for it and lucky the local network gets the pay per view free here so it costs me nothing extra. I wouldn't pay for this anyway plus the youtuber who I don't like very much either. I would pay to climb into the ring to beat the crap out of if given the chance though as these guys thing they are Gods gift to the human nation.
He is a legend, We people used to forget all the good and cling to an emotional outbreak... in all in our life in all surroundings... we cannot walk with confidence when 100 people watching us without reason...these guys are fighting, almost the whole world is watching, winning or losing is nothing for them, they want to fight, sometimes rules are forgotten...only once... he is a legend...he is one of the ultimate warriors like Mohammed Ali in boxing, Buakaw Banchamek in kickboxing... Tyson is a great trend changer in the boxing world... respects him.
Before that previous Joe Rogan episode, he was on prior and was super chill and normal. He said he knew he was putting on pounds but was afraid to work out, because he thought it would make him revert to his old self with a crazy ego and super aggressive instincts. His wife told him he is fat, which finally made him hop on a treadmill for 2-3 hours straight, and apparently he definitely is starting to become his old self from how over hyper/intense he has gotten, I'd say.
Definitely interested in hearing about the results of this fight and watching some highlight. It's for sure going to be an odd round or two of fisticuffs. I'm just hoping maybe instead of cocaine or anything, Tyson ups his game to snorting pure sawdust mixed with bath salts to really get mad.
all drug boxing matches would be fantastic. I think Tyson chilled out a bit because he got involved in smoking weed
This will pop up on torrents like half an hour after it is finished. I'll see if i can avoid all social media for a few hours because I am not going to pay $50 for it.
Jake Paul is a jackass and I hope he gets worked.
don't know if you watched it but exactly the opposite happened.
Don't you hate that when you do a pay per view and it takes forever for the lesser fights and then you get to the main fight and it is over in like 3 seconds. I was interested in this, but I would probably never spend money on pay per view. You will have to let me know how it turned out. They have really cut down on the stuff they allow on YouTube lately, so it might be harder to find.