Boys are Jerks!!

in #boysmustknow7 years ago


Tel me something, how can guys be such assholes and not feel a fck?🤷🏼‍♀️ So wht happened was, my friend lets call her stella has this boyfriend (had) let’s call him jerk 💛 so stella and jerk was together for a very long time and she had so much love for him..

But he didn’t giva a damn about her feelings, their relationship totally came only from one side.. i mean i dont blame her for staying with Jerk because i know how blind love can make a girl... 😓 but Jerk cheated on Stella with a girl, he called this “anonymous” babe and shit like that we got all the prove and still he denied it 🤦🏻‍♀️ How dumb do you wana be ??!!!🙄🙄

Any ways xx boys just know that we always know 😉love you all😂 comment you thoughts or advice

‘Cause need help on wht to tell my sad, heartbroken 😔 friend ♥️ Xx