Hey buddy!
Hope you'll alright!
I suggest getting rid of medications, but take it slowly.
I'm not a doctor, just an ordinary person.
I already stop taking medication for more than a decade now.
I experienced nervous breakdown between 2002-2003 and it happened 3 times. My doctor told me to maintain a medicine for life but I didn't take it seriously. I gradually eliminate those medications until I no longer take them. I guess I know more about my self than my doctor.
I'm am slowly coming off the medications, with doctors help.
I'm down to my lowest doses. I am feeling it, but in the long run, I need off of them.
We're not going to have the best insurance here soon and I don't want to be stuck on high doses of meds I can't afford.
Would you mind watching this:
Just ignore if you don't like it.
I'm just sharing something worth for me and maybe not to some or not to all at all.