
To begin with it has no color at all because to begin with, no light has yet hit it to be reflected to your eye. Hence your eye sees nothing and might interpet this as black. But black is not a color but the absence of color. The possible exception to this would be a radioactive material that gives out its own "light" and does not depend on an external source to reflect. However, this type of radiation is not usually detected by the eye since it is a part of the frequency spectrum that the eye does not respond to.

Following and upvoting.

One further thought. The key is the phrase "to begin with" So even for sources that emmanate their own light, "to begin with" it is just starting to do so and that light has not yet reached your eye given the finite velocity of light of 3 x 10exp10 cm/sec. So in all cases there is no color detected by the eye "to begin with" However, wait a few nanoseconds and you might see something:)

You are so close! But you have yet to simplify it

No Color. That simple enough? "In the beginning God..." Man was not yet here, therefore had no eye to detect color. Without an eye present, color is meaningless.