The pure embodiment of the trope! Human robots, switches turning on and off. Act like opinion matters, don't like this, only like this. What am I a run ragged individual after all! The romantic dream of the rugged individual died. The rebel sell spell. Kept in a shell. Nevermind ghost in the shell.
Is that all there is!? Everything just a trope now. There is no real issues, we all have the right to our opinion LOL No we don't!! Not if it isn't really ours. Just borrowed from a book we read. Or just live life like the movies. In a total cartoon fantasy! No!! Are they tryin' to tell me that what they do or do not like is what the whole basis for what their 'opinion' is. They don't like this or that, that's their opinion with zero research.
Where am I getting with this. Nowhere fast. Except maybe I don't want an opinion. Sick of the culty trope feeling. Or everyone seeming to treat everything in imagination as a troped cult feeling so they never want to think or talk about it ever. These people are good, these people are bad no discussion, this is good this is bad, no discussion, name calling that passes as communication. Get outta there! Where is the Real Talk!?
However each cultural artifact is insight into the current workings of the culture. That's why you could watch a movie and give the culture a psycho-analysis run down. You have to feel like you know what it's like to believe without actually believing. To get inside the narrators head. Deconstruct every trope. Not saying whether it is good or bad but rather what does it tell about the current state of mass culture from the corporatized standpoint. The corporatization of movies is what we are fed. What are they saying.
Oh boy well I think it's about dealing with the run around we are dealt by the current situation. If we are given the runaround by these culty tropes then we gotta make our own culty tropes that are way better. LOL. Oh yea you can think of saying it this way but try this way! Then you can kill the argument without a discussion in a different way. It's that kill them with kindness way. It can seem difficult and everyone could be screaming no calling you a trope name as you do it, yet when your done expressing your golden saying it will be too late for their late argument.
Very nice movies.
I like it.
Thanks for sharing valuable post....Best of luck..
You seem to have lots of fun in the pictures, so please 🙏
Ha ha too much fun my friend 😋
Always have great time with the pictures :)
How funny. 😀😀😀
Very nice picture @havok777
posts outstanding