WWBHSA911? — What Would Bill Hicks Say About 9/11?: Part One — by Hugh Mungus

in #brainwashing7 years ago


"The world is your oyster."

― An oyster fisherman

ADHD for dogs…

If you do anything but denounce such a stupid concept, you should behead yourself, and bequeath your cranium to cannibals. It would go to better use than whatever you're currently employing it for.

Ever consider ADHD might not exist? Is there a possibility it's simply a ploy to:

A) diagnose people ― who fail to conform ― with a fictitious malady, so they can

B) be charged for drugs that cause them to comply?

It’s a win-win situation for those in power. Folks become compliant, due to prescription narcotics, while government and big business ― one and the same ― become rich, thus retaining more control.

Kids aren’t bored in school because they’re suffering from an ailment. They lack interest because these indoctrination institutions are excuses for sleep ― brimming with worthless information, at best, and lies, at worst.

When was the last time you employed a profound understanding of the Pinckney Treaty to positively affect your life? However, learning that nobody’s burying Fukushima seems imperative, since it’s been drowning the planet with deadly radioactive fallout since March, 2011. Yet, how many people ― referred to as teachers ― know what Fukushima is, no less how detrimental a problem it’s become? *

  • The Ocean is Broken:


When talkin' ADHD, not only might we be referring to a nonexistent malady, but an HD has been placed at the end of this acronym. Thus, people associate it with high definition ― something they just have to possess. Once more, fuck you, Edward Bernays. ** ***

** Edward Bernays:


*** Stuff They Don't Want You to Know: Edward Bernays:

Doctors only accumulate money when you’re sick, right? If everybody was well, physicians would be out of work. Thus, practitioners harbor an obvious catalyst for not only keeping you mentally and physically ill, but making you so.

Oddly, you’re shocked when your physician prescribes drug upon drug, causing you to become less healthy.

As long as there’s a monetary system, there will be corruption. Are we foolish enough to believe doctors would somehow be exempt from this mendacity?

On top of this, so many physicians don’t seem to know what the fuck they’re doing. Is this why it's called a "practice?" Could it be you’re no more than farm animals for these fuckers; in particular, cash cows and guinea pigs?

If doctors were more concerned about your well-being than cash, they’d provide treatment for free. Try being addicted to anti-depressants, and receiving refills if you don’t have the money. At that point, your practitioner becomes cold as a cadaver in the arctic.

One of the most common treatments for cancer is radiation…which gives you cancer!

How would you differentiate between a doctor and a drug dealer? The two appear synonymous. Both only want you for your money; both provide injurious substances that are highly addictive. Solely because some of the compounds these quacks supply are deemed "legal" by politicians ― who we all view as corrupt ― is one profession seen in a respectful light?

Who isn’t scared to exist without health insurance in this present paradigm?

“If I get sick, and don’t have medical, what am I gonna do?!”

Thus, people are constantly employing themselves at jobs they hate, solely for the insurance “benefits.”

Back to reality, everybody involved but the patient benefits.

When you visit the doctor ― due to illnesses that quite possibly don’t exist ― these same physicians prescribe drugs with side effects only treatable by more drugs. Thus, not only is the practitioner acquiring cash with each prescription she writes, but so are pharmaceutical companies producing these narcotics. More prescriptions means more money for everyone…except patients ― who get sicker and further in debt.

It doesn’t take the smartest kid in class ― who's anything but smart, since he hasn’t run as far away from class ― to comprehend these drug corporations have a vested interest in this process. Hence, they would benefit by, yes, fabricating a fake affliction ― ADHD, for example ― and developing a “cure” for it at a price.

Through it all, insurance companies are reaping remuneration from scared citizens who scramble to buy plans that should be free in any compassionate society.

Again, the solution to the above dilemma is so simple, someone retarded ― which we all are, in a cosmic sense ― can figure it out. Get rid of the money, and distribute everything gratuitously.

Without a monetary system, insurance companies have no reason for pressing your face into the hot playground asphalt, forcing you to concede. There’s nothing for them to gain in doing so.

Without money, that asshole ― no more than a trained dog begging for her monetary treat ― will cease calling your house, and harassing you. Her reward for beleaguering you like a delinquent has been removed. Hence, she’s now free to pursue more relevant endeavors, like figuring out how to prevent the innate forces of this Universe from destroying humanity.

In the present paradigm, those with the most money appear the most adept and secure. In reality, should the monetary system end tomorrow, these people have the most to lose. In a logical society, they’d be deemed insane, having spent most of their existences hoarding useless pieces of textile known as cash.

So, here I sit — completing this blog — whilst staring at my laptop monitor, and an advertisement promoting a cure for ADHD in dogs.

Are people really this fuckin' gullible?! You'd better believe it! These ads don't pay for themselves.


The preponderance of humanity on Earth is living an illusion. This erroneous perception of reality has been created via brainwashing.

Take, for example, the following Abraham Lincoln quote — extracted from the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858:

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause] — that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever [sic] forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

— Abraham Lincoln *

  • The Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858. (1958, 1991). Page 235. Edited by Paul M. Angle. The University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0226020843

Ignorant to the above, most of us send our kids to indoctrination institutions — euphemistically termed schools — to be speciously informed the 16th President of the U.S. wanted equality for all.

Another example of the illusion that's been created around us would be the Bible — a doctrine roughly 2.2 billion people profess a belief in. This, even though, as Jesus Christ purportedly stated:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."

— Jesus Christ **

** Life Application Study Bible: "NIV" New International Version. (1984). Matthew 10:34–35. Tyndale House Publishers and Zondervan, Inc. ISBN: 0310941466

A citation as tough to swallow as a gallon of Drano, when you consider it was supposedly spoken by a benevolent being.

And how about the fact not a single historian living during the time Christ purportedly rambled the Earth, wrote so much as a word about the guy? We're talkin' the main character of the New Testament, and a dude who allegedly walked on water, turned water into wine, rose from the dead, etc. A bad-ass motherfucker performing miracles, yet no historian of his era pens a single sentence about him?!

In addition, we have the blatant dilemma inherent to the supposed Immaculate Conception. Think logically here: If some obviously pregnant chick professed she became so without having sex, would you believe her?


Moreover, if the crazy in question ran around town, proclaiming she was still a virgin, some "child protection agency" would probably seize her kid — once birthed — as the woman would be deemed an unfit mother.

Still, at least 2.2 billion people on Earth buy the fantasy of Mary's Immaculate Deceptio— Conception.

To quote Thomas Paine — who was categorized a Founding Father of the U.S.:

"Were any girl that is now with child to say, and even to swear it, that she has gotten with child by a ghost, and that an angel told her so, would she be believed? Certainly she would not."

— Thomas Paine ***

*** Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading). (2006). Page 152. Barnes & Noble, Inc. ISBN: 9780760778951

A third example of the illusion in which we exist would be the blind belief in, and obedience to, authority; i.e. government.

Citizens are forbidden to steal from others, and incarcerated for doing so. Yet, politicians can plunder perpetually.

When a member of the populace purloins, it's called theft, and deemed "illegal." When a politician does it, it's "legal," and referred to as taxation:

"If a congressman breaks into his neighbor's home and takes $1,000, he is seen as a criminal. If, on the other hand, together with his fellow politicians, he imposes a 'tax,' demanding the same $1,000 from the same neighbor, it is seen as legitimate. What would have been armed robbery would then be viewed by almost everyone as legitimate 'taxation.' Not only would the congressman not be viewed as a crook, but any 'tax cheats' who resisted his extortionist demands would be considered the 'criminals.' " ****

**** Rose, Larken. The Most Dangerous Superstition. (2012). Pages 47–48. ISBN: 9781624071690

Can you impose a tax on a politician? Not in this illusion masquerading as reality. Can he impose a tax on you? You fuckin' know it. Moreover, he can have you imprisoned — your bank account seized, your house stolen — if you don't comply to his obvious extortion.

Hence, contrary to the propaganda we're force-fed by government, we're not all equal. If such was the case, we'd be able to tax politicians, as well, and pinch their possessions when they failed to pay up.

Humans on Earth are slaves, and most don't even realize it. This is provable in 60 seconds.

Slavery is defined as: a condition of hard work and subjection.

The definition of a slave is: one who is subservient to or controlled by another.

If you weren't getting paid — inherently useless strips of cotton and linen known as cash — would you go that place you refer to as a job, 40-plus hours per week, and perform all those arduous tasks you regularly do?

For almost everyone on the planet, the answer is: "No." More appropriately: "Fuck no!"

We're nothing more than dogs performing for our treats; trained seals — if you will — doing tricks for our rewards. The difference is the tidbits dogs and seals seek have nutritional value. Try eating a handful of $100 bills, if you're starving to death in the middle of nowhere, in the hopes you'll survive.

Again, as long as politicians have "rights" you don't, and can "legally" fleece money and possessions from you, you'll be nothing more than a slave, and those in office will be your masters. Hence, the act of voting is solely choosing which owner you wish to be subjugated by.

In the words of Frederick Douglass:

"I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery; he must be made to feel that slavery is right; and he can be brought to that only when he ceases to be a man."

To reiterate, the majority of humans on Earth exist in an illusion.

How else can you explain allowing yourself to be nuked — on more than 1,000 occasions, by your own government — for your own benefit? *****

***** Nevada Test Site (NTS) history of atomic detonations:


How can you justify apotheosizing George Washington — who owned hundreds of slaves — on two of your denominations of currency, throughout countless textbooks, and atop a mountain in South Dakota? ******

****** George Washington: slave owner:


How is it not a single steel-frame skyscraper — before nor since September 11, 2001 — collapsed due to fire, yet three such edifices did so on a single day...in one location? *******

******* Griffin, David Ray. 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed. (2011). Olive Branch Press. ISBN: 9781566568685

******* Griffin, David Ray. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. (2005). Olive Branch Press. ISBN: 1566565847

******* Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. (2004). Olive Branch Press. ISBN: 1566565529

******* 9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction:

******* 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out:

******* 9/11: Press for Truth:

Yes, humanity on this planet is delusional. That said, our misconceptions come from a blind belief in the Pablum propaganda we've been spoon-fed all our existences.


"Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government does not give a fuck about them. Government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights or your welfare or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible."

― George Carlin *

  • George Carlin:

When it comes to 9/11, there are so many unanswered questions, it's probably best — like fly balls at Fenway Park — we field 'em one at a time.

You don't assert the known laws of physics fail to apply on one day — and one day alone — and then claim they've suddenly kicked back in, and expect a rationally thinking populace to believe you.

Most of the following facts center around World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) — often termed the Achilles Heel of 9/11. I've barely broached the subjects of WTC 1 and 2, and haven't even touched on the Pentagon, nor Shanksville, Pennsylvania — all targets of the events occurring on September 11, 2001.

The facts:

  1. The government would have us believe two planes demolished three skyscrapers. Two planes; three skyscrapers. Repeat those sentences to yourself, and see if they make sense, or sound possible.

  2. Building 7 was never hit by a plane, yet it collapsed.

  3. No steel-framed skyscraper in history — before nor since 9/11 — has ever collapsed due to fire, even though numerous have been ablaze. Still, the government would have us believe three did so in one day, at the same location.

  4. According to the government's NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Report, WTC 7 collapsed at free fall speed for almost 2.5 seconds. The remainder of its descent occurred at nearly this acceleration.

Basic physics — you learn in elementary school — teaches us the former is an impossibility, unless there's nothing impeding the objects falling. The only way this could have occurred is if the floors beneath the top of the building were obliterated. Such elimination could not have been caused by a few, sparsely-placed office fires, but could easily have happened via controlled demolition.

Drop a bowling ball off your roof, in order to test this simple law of gravity. Anything in its path — a fence, a tree, etc. — will slow its fall.

  1. Up until recently, roughly 50% of Americans didn't even know Building 7 collapsed on 9/11. We're talkin' a 47 story structure here, at a highly publicized event. How does that go unnoticed?

  2. There were two main suspects regarding 9/11 — al-Qaeda and the United States government. The latter was the chief investigator of the crime. How often do you find a court of law allowing a prime suspect to determine his or her own innocence?

  3. Structural steel — of which Building 7 was comprised — melts at almost 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the government's NIST Report, fires inside WTC 7 never reached more than 1,250 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, melting of the building's beams, during 9/11, was a physical impossibility.

  4. Massive amounts of nano-thermite and thermate — both solely created due to explosives — were found in the rubble of Buildings 1, 2 and 7. Office fires do not produce nano-thermite nor thermate.

  5. Fires in Buildings 1, 2 and 7 emitted thick, black smoke. Such is only the case when a blaze is oxygen-starved — thus in its dying stages — and not burning very hot.

  6. According to the government's NIST Report, the fires on 9/11 were fueled by office furnishings...which were designed to be flame-retardant.

  7. Columns within Buildings 1, 2 and 7 were coated with fire-proofing products.

  8. Since small fires were burning in disparate areas of Buildings 1, 2 and 7, shouldn't those edifices have collapsed in an asymmetrical fashion, as opposed to the neat, orderly way they did — perfectly down into their own footprints?

  9. In order for WTC 7 to have collapsed the way it did — straight down upon itself — it would have been necessary for 82 structural columns to demolish at the same place on each column, at the same time. This isn't even a one in a trillion chance. This is simply a physical impossibility, when it comes to random office fires.

  10. NIST refused to publish the testimonies of hundreds of firefighters who swore to experiencing, hearing or seeing explosives in use regarding the collapses of Buildings 1, 2 and 7.

  11. What remained of Buildings 1, 2 and 7 was carted off — by the U.S. government — to China and India, where it was melted down before it could be examined and investigated. That would be destruction of evidence, and thereby obstruction of justice.

Knowing the above truths, doesn't the U.S. government's official 9/11 story seem more riddled with holes than used targets at a sharpshooter range?

For more compelling information regarding the above topic, feel free to watch the following extremely engaging documentaries:

Ben Swann: 9/11:

9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out:

or read the book below:

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 is Unscientific and False:


A large faction of the population are certain 9/11 was an inside job. There's no debate, nor doubt.

The NIST Report — the government's official version of what happened — defies the known laws of physics. If this version was on trial for murder, it would be found guilty within the first five minutes of the hearing. Period.


"But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives

Gotta make a million, doesn't matter who dies"

— Queensryche *


September 1, 1939. Nazi Blitz trucks crushed the Polish countryside like herds of irate elephants. Comparable to a tireless marathoner, the Opel company was producing these vehicles ― as well as land mines and torpedoes ― for the Third Reich, at an impressive rate. All the while, Der Opel Geist ― the corporation’s internal publication ― deified Hitler as though he was Zeus. The Fuhrer’s thundering, anti-Semitic declamations bounced off cold walls at Opel headquarters like rubber balls off an NBA court.

Somewhere during the commotion, the leader of the Nazi war machine found the time to bestow yet another German Eagle with Cross on yet another foreigner deserved of the award. This outsider-cum-Aryan went by the moniker of James D. Mooney ― President of General Motors’ Overseas Corporation. Yes, that General Motors.

It was World War II. All appeared to be going as planned. The good guys were gearin’ up to save the day, and the bad guys were doin’ what bad guys do ― killin’ folks like cattle in a slaughterhouse. The line between the two was definitive: Either you were on the side of the cavalry, or the assholes who’d given them a reason to fight.

Not so fast. When it comes to anything concerning money ― corporations and politicians, let’s say ― there will always be grey regions. Translation: There will always be lies. Lies, no less, disguised as truth.

Such was the case with General Motors. Yeah, the same GM mass-producing countless cars you see on the highways and byways of what people refer to as America. In fact, General Motors transformed Germany’s horse-drawn military into a modern, mechanized blitzkrieg capable of destroying its enemies. The three-ton Blitz truck ― produced by GM’s German affiliate Opel ― was specifically developed so the Third Reich could do just that.

General Motors president Alfred P. Sloan tirelessly toiled — years prior to World War II — to ensure Nazi forces were well equipped to wage battle. In truth, GM was the largest producer of cars and trucks in Germany, as well as Europe, at the time. Through Opel, GM manufactured approximately 40 percent of vehicles in this soon-to-be Axis country. Since General Motors was producing roughly 65 percent of Germany’s auto exports, they largely funded the Third Reich’s military effort.

GM’s official publication ― General Motors World ― boldly declared:

"Hitler is a strong man, well fitted to lead the German people out of their former economic distress…He is leading them, not by force or fear, but by intelligent planning and execution of fundamentally sound principles of government."

How wonderful would it be if the above quote was emblazoned on every GM vehicle owner’s manual?

You’re cruisin' around in your General Motors car, oblivious to these facts, aren't ya'? Ah, the American Dream. It works like clockwork…A Clockwork Orange, that is. Less real than The Bible — Featuring Original Photographs.

Alfred Sloan ― a fiery believer corporations, instead of government, should control countries ― wasn’t a supporter of then-President Roosevelt. Sloan believed GM superseded bureaucracies, and should be making the calls for the United States. Of course, Roosevelt saw things otherwise. As per usual, not a word uttered on behalf of the people, themselves.

Due to Sloan’s disdain for good ol’ Franky, he aligned himself even more closely with Hitler. Soon, literature written by anyone of Jewish affiliation was expunged from the official library at Opel.

Because 40 percent more profit was derived from Blitz truck sales to the Wehrmacht ― the Third Reich military ― than to civilians, GM concentrated business with the Nazi war machine. Nearly 17 percent of this product was sold to Hitler’s armed forces in 1937. By 1938, that number rose to 29 percent, as the German military became Opel’s best customer. There’s no doubt General Motors’ Blitz truck became the emblematic vehicle of the Third Reich.

Opel swore support for the National Socialist Motor Corps ― a civilian military force in alliance with the Nazi ideal. In addition, Opel donated copious amounts of cash, on a regular basis, to Nazi-related movements. The German subsidiary went so far as to cut ties with Jewish corporations providing resources for their production line. Jewish workers ― long-standing or not ― were terminated.

Since gas-powered vehicles don’t run without fuel, GM employed Standard Oil ― another U.S. corporation ― to provide Hitler’s Wehrmacht with lead-tetraethyl. This additive boosted performance in the Blitz trucks, and allowed Nazi forces further advantage over their opposition. In fact, a seized German document states:

"Without lead-tetraethyl, the present method of warfare would be unthinkable."

Albert Speer ― the Reich’s armaments chief ― stated Germany wouldn’t have perpetrated their 1939 blitzkrieg on Poland, had they not been provided this additive by Standard Oil.

So intense was Alfred Sloan’s belief in racial superiority, he assisted in foundation of the American Liberty League ― which promoted racism and anti-Semitism. Hatred for anyone non-Caucasian reached an apogee with the group, when they expressed desire to align themselves with the KKK. The American Liberty League financially supported a myriad of bigoted organizations, like the Southern Committee. This fellowship distributed what were known as “nigger pictures” ― photos of Eleanor Roosevelt in the company of blacks.

Just press cruise control on your new General Motors vehicle and glide, my friend. Feel the ease with which she handles?

By 1938, Hitler was so overjoyed with the job GM was doing, he pinned a German Eagle with Cross on James Mooney. Again, this medal was akin to a blowjob, and a lifetime supply of free beer, to any foreign individual der Fuhrer felt was worthy of inclusion into the Nazi brotherhood.

General Motors knew exactly when Germany would initiate World War II, and invade Poland. How could they not? They had insider information from Hitler, himself. Hence, when the Third Reich demanded parts for Blitz trucks be shipped to facilities near the Polish border — in August of ’39 — GM had a view to imminent events. Days afterward, when almost 3,000 Opel workers were conscripted into the Wehrmacht, it seemed obvious what was about to transpire. Around that point, U.S. employees at Opel were evacuated to the Netherlands for safety; and on September 1st, Germany deployed its offensive against Poland. A blitzkrieg delivered on the axles of General Motors vehicles.

The evening prior the outbreak of war, Sloan alerted GM investors his corporation was “too big” to be obstructed by “petty international squabbles.”

It was only a matter of time before Opel engaged in manufacture of aircraft engines for the Luftwaffe ― Nazi Germany’s Air Force. Subsequent that, Opel produced land mines, as well as torpedo detonators for Hitler’s war machine.

In a letter to an associate, Sloan stated:

"It seems clear that the Allies are outclassed on mechanical equipment and it is foolish to talk about modernizing their Armies in times like these, they ought to have thought of that five years ago. There is no excuse for them not thinking of that except for the unintelligent, in fact, stupid, narrow-minded and selfish leadership which the democracies of the world are cursed with. But when some other system develops stronger leadership, works hard and long, and intelligently and aggressively — which are good traits — and, superimposed upon that, develops the instinct of a racketeer, there is nothing for the democracies to do but fold up. And that is about what it looks as if they are going to do."

Oddly enough, it wasn’t as if GM’s complicity in Germany’s war effort was that secret. According to a New York Times article, dated August 27, 1944, Opel was the prime target for a monumental bombing run by Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF). The RAF had determined the facility ― with 35,000 employees ― was not only supplying a bulk of Nazi military vehicles, but also in the process of developing rocket weaponry.

Like the Ford-Werke plant, GM used prisoners to achieve their production goals at Opel. It wasn’t unusual for inmates to be tortured after they failed to reach expected demands.

But the above wasn’t the only similarity General Motors had with Ford, regarding the Third Reich. Profits accumulated by both corporations were saved by the Nazi war machine, and bequeathed to these companies following the conflict. In addition, General Motors was recompensed $33 million after the war, since Allied forces had bombed its Opel production plant.

Do you feel like delivering an onslaught of karate kicks to the dashboard of your GM vehicle? Is a shower in order every time you touch the steering wheel? Realize General Motors now produces Buicks, Cadillacs, Chevrolets and GMCs. Thus, chances are pretty strong you're driving a GM product on a daily basis.

According to Edwin Black ― author of Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust:

"Unquestionably, GM’s impact during the Hitler era, both in the United States and the Third Reich, was monumental. Without GM, Hitler would have never had the motorized ability to conquer Europe and mechanize the dispossession and destruction of numberless Jewish communities."

Keep in mind, naive U.S. soldiers were having their limbs blown off, while General Motors was profiting at their expense.



Black, Edwin. (2009). Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust. Dialog Press. ISBN: 9780914153092

Online Movies:

Hitler's American Business Partners:

Online Sources:



The preceding blog was written by Hugh Mungus. Feel free to contact the author directly here on Steemit, or via his personal E-mail address: [email protected]