Information used as strings to control the Humans Puppets

in #brainwashing3 years ago

One of the main reasons the elites are obsessed with Mass Media: Radio, TV, Social media, etc is to control people with information like puppets are controlled with strings. Information is more like strings in the mind of people controlled by a puppet master. If you say certain words repeatedly and a listener believe the words he/she becomes controlled by the words. Words associated with what they represent when repeated long enough will be strongly linked to what they are associated with, then all it takes to control the Humans with the words is to mention them in simple or complex manner to achieve the desired result which is to make the humans behave in certain ways or act according to the Words. Just use the trigger words and watch how people get controlled by the words
If you don't want to be controlled and used by the elites like puppets, then don't consume the information they feed you.