In the beginning of my Steemit experience I settled in on the need to establish a brand. I wanted my posts to have a recognizable format. If you have read my posts before, you have hopefully come to expect certain things. The first is my picture:
I do this at the beginning of each post to set it as the icon that will be visible by my post as it appears within the Steemit display of posts. My goal is to attract your eyes to my products. Like the advertisements we see everywhere in the world, I am hoping by repeating the image you will remember me.
In the text of my post, I try to present the 'truth'. Perhaps it is my truth rather than THE truth, but I attempt to write the plain truth. I also try to introduce different views of the truth. I try to allow you to see the game from my seat in the stadium of life.
Lastly, I attempt to give you a visually attractive image to view. These images give me the chance to show some of my photographs or some other associated image. I see this as a breath mint to savor after a tasty meal of truth.
I am proud of my branding effort. It is my signature. It is me.
Here is today's beauty.
An interesting post doctorjohn, thanks you
Your branding is nice. The idea of having a brand in the first place is really cool. I think I'll have to rethink mine, I've got to have some regular pattern.
And yeah right those images at the end are really cool stuff, it's like dessert. Haha.Hehehe @doctorjohn
yeah ! I see that is important to develop the brand.