Hello everyone
I'll be here in Brazil commenting in the coming days about the largest and most beautiful sport event in the world.
If you are wondering if Brazil has many problems to be solved, the answer is yes, but that does not stop being a cumber to Brazil to organize large events such as the World Cup 2014 which was a great success, except for Brazilians with the defeat of 7 x 1 against the Germans.
Now, a few weeks before the event, Brazil is running against the time to finalize the last details in the olympic village, place that will accommodate millions of athletes around the world.
In the last weeks we had also the passage of the Olympic torch across the country. The torch had passed more than 350 Brazilian cities before it will arrive on the 8th of August in Rio de Janeiro.
In the videos below you can draw your own conclusions about the excitement and love the Brazilian people in this event.
People singing and running with the olympic torch
So people will be back soon with more news from Brazil and the Olympic Games.