Join Brave today!! Adapt to the future!!

in #brave8 years ago (edited)

Tired of chrome high memory ram consumption & firefox ugly interface and just do not want to succumb to microsoft edge. Brave browser might be what you are looking for.

Brave it an amazing new browser founded by Brendan Eich, an American technologist and creator of the JavaScript programming language, that claims that is much secure and faster than the browser you are currently using and it probably is because as I said he is the creator of javascript, he knows how to make a browser secure.
Also, Brave plans to release soon a browser-based micropayments system that intends to change the internet to as we know it.
I've been using it for two days now and I delighted with its performance so far.

join now at

Leave feedback of your experience


watch this video if you want to know more


And because this is the better and right way to make money on Steemit I am paying you five beers!

Tip! 1 post

Thanks you very much sir. the 5 beers are much appreciated. Haha this gave me an idea, I posted what else I can do with 1 steem.

Wow, this looks like a really sweet browser. I just downloaded it, thanks.

Очень хорошая работа Хавьера, мне очень интересно, что вы участвуете в мире cryotomonedas.

Приветствие и успех для Венесуэлы
Ochen' khoroshaya rabota Khav'yera, mne ochen' interesno, chto vy uchastvuyete v mire cryotomonedas.

Privetstviye i uspekh dlya Venesuely

@mortod @toposvalley