It's definitely "relevant" - but you are right that guild leaders can still be active and involved even if they aren't battling. But there ARE many guild leaders on that list that have sold their cards, left Discord and Hive, and not looked back - leaving their guilds hanging.
And you have proof of this for every single one? You just assumed based on battle data. You were already wrong with aruchard and I'm sure probably with many others as well.
Blaming players for not choosing a guild carefully is not helpful.
Well can't always choose the right guild all the time but at least you get 90% of your GP back right. I think this is still better than nothing and just lets you move to a new guild. I still think there's a judgement call here. I've joined previous guilds where there was lack of growth or dead leader and I decided to make my own guild. I lost the DEC and "crowns" i helped for those guilds but that's why you gotta take matters to your own hands. Once that leader starting being inactive you guys shouldve just made that quick call to start up a guild yourselvs and have everyone leader right. Like i said there's many opening in already better guilds. I see tons of people repeatedly advertising so there shouldn't be an issue. YGG, peakmonsters , etc is always looking for players and could probably help open new guilds if you guys dont have the DEC to do it.
Does it seem right that one person's decision to move on would cause the team that contributed all the crowns and 10x his DEC contribution should have to give up 3000 crowns and restart in a new guild?
The crowns were earned for the guild. It's not like it should go back to the players. You guys did get the extra bonus RP from lodge and the merits from the brawls. It's not like you got nothing.
If anything make a proposal with those guilds that mentioned they had the issue. pool together 100k dec and convince members of community to support so action can be taken if the solution provided makes the 67% majority happy to proceed the proposal.
It's definitely not easy to come up with a solution for this as there will be one side of the spectrum unhappy so if u can find a solution that both sides are happy and it works out that would be great.
I guess moving forward they can create another type of guild where changes can be made with a majority instead of having 1 main leader everyone has a fair stake in the guild.