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RE: What do you eat for Breakfast? What would you recommend? Looking for some halp!!!

in #breakfast7 years ago (edited)

Look, don't believe the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" bullshit. Most things you hear about nutrition even from "official" sources is BS and broscience. As long as you get enough nutrients you are a-ok, even if you only have 1-2 meals a day. Exceptions apply to athletes, people with certain conditions etc.

I am on a low carb diet so I will either have 3-4 eggs with a fruit, or 30 g of corned beef with a fruit. Both options provide plenty of complete protein, are low on calories and low on carbs. 2-3 hours later I ll have a glass of kefir.

P.S: Do some research on celiac disease. You don't say what your symptoms are when eating gluten so I can't think of something else. Of course it could be that you just eat too many carbs which messes up your blood sugar levels, making you sleepy and lethargic :)


And let me give you an example of why most stuff you hear on nutrition is bullshit. Have you ever seen this picture?

This is the tongue-sense map. They teached us about the tongue-senses map in elementary, middle and highschool. And then I encountered it again during a course on my Master's on nutrition. Guess what? It's bullshit, but many still teach it, even on Master courses!

Each part of the tongue can detect each flavour!

yeah when I was told about the map I called bullshit on it

I think it is just too many carbs. I got a red bump on the top of my hand like a bug bite size(maybe a little smaller). I got a few others ones too. They go away after a few days.