- Diplomatic and Financial Assistance...
- Covert arms shipments
- Covert OPS
- Air Support
- Overt military support
- Invasion
These are the likely steps as I see it, and in that order of priority. Covert OPS is a bit more fluid, however. Prolly happening now, in fact. Just my $.02 LOL
Yes, its all possible. We will know it soon, I guess.
I highly doubt there will be an invasion as that actually makes it much harder to find people and kill people. The only reason for a full fledged invasion woul be to secure their oil fields, which is a possibility but I dont think Trump is down for that, If he loses in 2020 then we could definitely see that happen
Well, it depends on if a US friendly president can be installed without a civil war. If not, I expect a "peace mission" soonish. 2020 is to far away. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." as they say in politics. ;)