How to turn your life around in three easy lessons or how I crawled out of a dark place and found myself.

in #breakups7 years ago (edited)

7 months ago I wrote to the steemit community with my introduction letter. I have received 1 truly nice compliment.

Since that time I've broken off a relationship ramped up my business and charted the next adventure as a single guy.

Here are the three easy lessons I promised.

Maybe they will save your from some hardship and maybe my success of surviving it will benefit you in ways I'd never imagine.

They always say, tell your story. You never know who needs to hear it. Ok, here goes bitting the bullet on this one.

Lesson 1. If your relationship starts with a lie, does it take a genius to realize that the core of that person is to be a liar in the long run?

Lesson 2. How many times would you forgive them, 2, 10, 20 times, 20 different lies? Can you imagine how much more you have not discovered that you have not caught on to yet?

Einstein would say it's to the 10th power so that's about 200 lies that you have yet to discover. Maybe not that many lies, maybe just that many times they were dishonest with you while they lied to someone else about you.

Lesson 3. Here is where I will share with you the liberating and sobering part about the breakup decision.

Nearly 2 years into this deceitful relationship I got the blinders taken off because the truth was revealed in a simple sentence spoken in a moment of unguarded blurting. "I've known them longer than you".

When someone puts others in front of you over and over again and they defend this behavior because they've known them longer and they respect them more, then you should step aside with complete confidence knowing, they never loved you at all anyway.

We learn the hardest lessons by being the person who tries to do the love thing from the right place from your heart. Well, not everyone that says I Love You means any of it. Sometimes they only mean to say it for their own dirty reasons.

Tough talk for tough times.

I hope my pain moves you into the space of sound reasoning.

Do what's best for you, and leave them to their own devices. It's better to be alone, that lied to by a professional.

Cheer up, it's going to be better on the other side of the breakup.

You get your life back with a few powerful nuggets of wisdom you didn't have before. That's priceless.

So, this is how I crawled out of a dark place and found myself.

Good luck with them.