My Top Breastfeeding Tips 💜


My Breastfeeding Top Tips

  1. Try to nurse within the first hour after delivery (they will be more alert following birth and harder to arouse later for a first feed)

  2. Lots of skin to skin contact with baby really helps stimulate your milk supply

  3. Babies seem to nurse better when their feet are touching something, as it makes them feel more secure (a pillow, the arm of a chair...)

  4. Watch somebody else feed, YouTube videos or find your local BF support group

  5. Get your positioning right: Nose to Nipple, Belly to Belly, Angle the Dangle

  6. Watch your baby not the clock. Every baby feeds differently (some are quicker than others) Leave your baby on the breast until they unlatch, then offer the second breast

  7. If baby keeps falling asleep when feeding, try gently tickling under their chin to keep the feed going

  8. Get babies to latch correctly, right from the beginning to promote the memory muscle

  9. It can take up to six weeks to establish a good supply and prepared for lots of feeding and fussy (cluster) feeding at growth spurts

  10. Build your feeding fortress. Make sure you and baby are comfy (a nursing pillow helps) ensure you have a drink nearby at all times, your phone, remote and snacks (even ask someone to cut your food for you, to make it easier to eat)

  11. Remember that breastfeeding is not just about giving your baby milk. At times they may need a drink, a snack or even a three course meal and they most certainly enjoy suckling for comfort.

  12. Invest in:
    A sling - some you can even breastfeed in. Visit your local sling library where you can try them on and even hire them
    A nursing cover - great if your not too confident feeding in public. Or tuck a Muslin in the straps/collar of your shirt.
    A few nursing bras and Clothes that give easy access to feed in.

  13. Babies can wake frequently during the night - that's normal as its when they get the extra good stuff from your milk, plus night time waking reduces the risk of SIDS

  14. If it's painful or uncomfortable when feeding, seek support.

  15. Most of all remember that breast feeding DOES GET EASIER and what wonderful tools breasts are to help FEED, COMFORT and SOOTHE your baby

Michelle & Bonnie 💕
Instagram @allthingsbabyandme