My comments to all Remainiacs who still deny the Referendum result and continue to oppose Brexit:
"Dear Remainers, it must really stick in your throats that despite all the apparent and vaunted wonderful benefits of the European Union, and all the endorsements of your rich and powerful celebrity friends fawning over the European project; added to the dire warnings of an apocalyptic future should we vote to leave Herr Merkel's land of milk and honey... it only took the "rantings" of people like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, and one battle bus slogan to defeat you!
If the EU was so wonderful and of such benefit to the UK - with over 40 years of membership to prove how grateful we should be to our German and French benefactors - why did the majority of the British public still decide to Leave (even knowning that the final Brexit deal was yet to be agreed)?
In your smug self-appointed roles as our "intellectual superiors" - you merely demonstrate your contempt for your fellow citizens daring to have opinions of their own; and for them disagree with yours. Your dismissal of the referendum result as based on a lie ignores the stacks of falsehoods spouted by the Remain camp, which have been shown to be utter rubbish.
I can sleep easy in my bed knowing that Britain is heading, all be it slowly, to a better future. You can moan all you like and delude yourselves that history will prove you right. On the contrary, you will be crying into your diet cokes and decaf lattes as your flawed Euro-dream disintegrates under its own contradictions in the months and years to come."
Yours sincerely, Leo Albion
As a leave supporter please explain to me what is the huge benefit what the UK can do only outside of the EU? (or even better if you fancy to reply to any of my British leave questions: )
Control immigration better is number 1 and also make decisions for ourselves.want more i could go on for hours.