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RE: daily mail vs sargon

in #brexit6 years ago (edited)

either that, or the msm has no other way to operate, truth to them is a long forgotten virtue and they fall back on the only techniques they have.........lying/deception/name calling and the most obvious and cheap cut and paste cobbled together a way they are a gift to us, they have been in charge of the story for so long that it seems impossible for them to change because to change would mean to tell the truth and to tell the truth would mean their involvement in all this censorship and skullduggery will be revealed. watching them squirm and make total fools of themselves is a real treat. :) they are done and they know it. i will smile as we all watch them burn in the light of their own lives.


Sarggy boy been playing media. Fake pedo tweet caught the media out. Wonder if planted by some kekistani sleepr agent shitlord. No matter same affect. Just saying more and offensive stuff. Cos they are compelld report it and the media soon has no mor room to escalate the name calling. Becomes transparent. Farkin crak up Sarggy mate. Popcorn. Run that game. Yeah.