The world is preparing for a no deal BREXIT, they are making it seem if this happens there is going to be total chaos, this is the plan of the central banks, if it is not their deal there will be chaos, or not. France and Germany see the future, globalism is imploding, they take steps to keep their system alive. The call has been heard, more bills come out to audit the fed, abolish the IRS etc. Trump started the movement with one tweet about 8 years ago.
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The 'solution' if the deal is voted down will be for the MPs to push for a 2nd Referendum because, "oh look, the brexit deal is bad. We might as well remain!". This has been predicted right after the result by the likes of David Icke and Richie Allen. Maybe you should have them as guests on the Spotlight.
I love both those truth tellers
Income tax is illegal ❗️