
Boris Johnson resigned despite Mrs. May. It weakens her; she didn't want it even though she wants a "softer" Brexit than Boris. Boris Johnson is eyeing the leadership as PM but he is having trouble winning the allies and wary of the Tories losing the Government when he makes his bid for the leadership.

Mrs. May is doing a shit job negotiating. But who else is there right now that could and would lead Brexit? Corbyn? He'd find himself in the same cross party quagmire, only amplified because of the more numerous and powerful Remainers in his Labour camp. Furthermore, in the current climate it would be political suicide for him.

I think the Tories are the ones who can navigate the ship of Brexit through treacherous continental coastal waters to the safety of the Thames. But at the moment there is nobody else lined up for the job of PM who can lead it through. Therefore, there will have to be a good deal of leading from behind with somebody, whoever, preferably a Tory, maybe even Mrs. May if she can be strong armed into it, but definitely not Corbyn, at the helm as PM.

In this historical moment the UK needs a statesman. Boris may have fantasies of Churchillian grandeur, though he is no politician at all. But he is right that the UK needs somebody like Churchill, and in this states-man or -woman's absence the UK is liable to continue floundering as it has been these two years, unless that second-rate PM (third-rate if we're speaking of Mrs. May) can be politically bound to Brexit and Brexit only.

So, I think there needs to be an election specifically on the issue of Brexit strategy. Not the nitty gritty details which politicians belabor to confound the electorate. But simple principles about the relationship with the world they want for Britain outside the EU which is general enough for everyday Britishers can evaluate the success of.

The referendum strictly speaking was extra constitutional. It was not binding. It really should have been the central issue of the parties' political platforms in an election but the parties did not want to hang their legitimacy on advancing their Brexit position; they were all of the same position - Remain - and that wouldn't allow room for politiking.

I don't want a second referendum. Certainly it would be undemocratic too and though the result would be more strongly Leave it would not help any. Actually a second referendum has the real possibility of spurring a constitutional crisis.

the tories care nothing for the working class nothing

That makes Brexit infinitely less likely.

Completely agree with you lets just hope they drive this ship carefully through big waves.

will be like the Titanic

lol, I hope not we need good ending.

Forget Brexit, for now, let's talk something else how did you find steem blog i hope this is not bad topic for you lol?

Write a post on the topic and I'll comment

we had one, the EU want us to have as many as we can till we vote to stay