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RE: The Old Dog Travels: Vertigo Challenge With a Great Trip to a Wobbly Bridge!

in #bridge8 years ago

Crazy place!

They popped out to me, so I should say it...

Even though the side webbing seems good, and a reasonable height, those bolts on the wooden walkway should be countersunk/bored. We cannot predict the way someone might trip while holding or not holding the rail, G-d forbid.

I don't understand the thought process they used... It may be that someone should be advised... Do you know the name of the organization/gov't who owns it?


At the end of the video on how they built it you'll see all of the info on the builders and owners. The Swiss are not a
humble lot though.

Excellent, thanks. Though I'm somewhat of an ignoramus and I probably sounded less humble than you say they are!, I just emailed the architect... Filippini and Partner ([email protected])

Great! keep me posted!

If they reply, I sure will let you know. I asked them if there was some reason for them being that way, that I don't see...

You have me curious! You and I are too practical and have too much hands on experience for architects.

While it's true we often use a tool or something and think how it should be different, this particular problem seems too obvious to miss for a designer/architect/engineer, SAFETY engineer, etc! I'm thinking there is something I must be missing. Though if they don't reply, I will reconsider, lol!

Were you conscious of the bolts at all?