We shall meet you and you will know that you are our enemy. We have been here for hundreds of years, our people have fought and died on this land long before you invaded it and we’ll do so long after you are gone.
We are not a multicultural land, nor shall we ever be. We did not ask for you to be here and disgrace us with your presence. We will remove you from our land, as we have removed all other invaders before you. Your misguided illusion that you can without resistance defile our land with your backwards ideology will be the end of you and the last mistake you make.
Others may not know your name but we do.
If you think you are going to impose your lifestyle on us, then you are mistaken.
If you think you are owed something from us, you are mistaken.
If you think your law applies here, you are mistaken.
If you think that you can abuse the people of this land, you are mistaken.
If you think that you can subvert our laws, you are mistaken.
If you think that you can disgrace our way of life, then you are mistaken.
If you think that you can show no respect to us, our land, our culture and our laws, YOU are mistaken.
You are Wahhabi and we are the British. You will soon meet us face to face and then you will know why it is a mistake for you to be here.
You will see just what an Englishman on his own land, in defence of his hearth and home and his people and laws is capable of.
It will be the last thing you see.
This, we swear.