From Elsewhere: Dr Rakib Ehsan on policing.

in #britain4 days ago

We in the UK used to see our police as some of the best in the world. Not for Britons the gun toting and sadly necessarily paranoid US police nor the half arsed lazy police that tourists saw in the 70’s in places like Spain or Italy or the type of police in some countries who regularly took bribes to look the other way when crimes occurred. Yes we knew that our police not perfect. We knew that some were unnecessarily violent or corrupt or lazy but they were better than the alternatives that we saw in some countries.

Fast forward to today and Britain is policed by police forces that are of infinitely of lesser quality than they used to be. They are politicised, lazy, biased towards certain communities and against the majority community and have lost the trust of the general public. I used to do freelance photography work and one of my customers was the internal police magazine Police Review so I got to mix with quite a lot of police officers both senior and junior. Some of those officers I met impressed me greatly with their bravery and integrity and were of a calibre of person who I would have gladly trusted with my life. But today I don’t think there are many officers who I would trust to that level, in fact there’s many officers who I would not trust to sit the correct way around on a damned toilet seat so bad are they.

Dr Rakib Ehsan the academic and cultural commentator has also noticed that Britain’s police are not what they once were. In an excellent piece in the Daily Mail which he has reproduced on his X platform account Dr Ehsan talks about the obvious two tier policing that we’ve seen in recent years over issues such as the BLM protests, the vigorous enforcement of bullshit Covid rules and the way that the police suddenly discovered their backbones when it came to dealing with British people protesting following the Southport Atrocity.

Here’s Dr Ehsan’s well written, well observed and thought provoking piece:

Dr Eshan Mail article .jpeg

You can find the original post from Dr Ehsan via the link below.