From Elsewhere: The scale of the Tories betrayal.

in #britain2 months ago

Like many other Britons I voted for the Conservative Party in December 2019. Also like other Britons I believed the then Tory leader Boris Johnson that the party under his leadership would finally complete the exit from the European Union, control Britain’s borders, support freedom of speech and generally manage the country far better than either his Tory predecessors or the Labour Party had done since the turn of the century. I was wrong to believe any of Boris Johnson’s promises.

Boris Johnson’s government mismanaged the Covid pandemic so badly that it left Britain in a very dire state economically, failed to tackle the leftist infiltration of the public sector and failed dismally to either protect or enhance the free speech rights of Britons. However a recent article in The Critic magazine lays bare the horrendous betrayal of Britons with regards to migration.

The article, by Mike Jones, makes for an astonishing and sick making read for any Briton who like me falsely believed that the Tories under Boris Johnson would tackle the existential threat to the nation that excessive levels and inappropriate types of immigration pose to the UK. What Mr Jones has said shows that for reasons that include short termism and ideology the Tories made the migration situation much worse than it needed to be.

The Tories said Mr Jones basically propped open Britain’s borders. They failed to tackle the drivers of chain migration and removed restrictions on earnings for migrants which meant that Britain has been inundated with low skill, low wage and often burdensome migrants who will not make any real fiscal or social contribution to the United Kingdom.

Mr Jones has also alleged that the Tories outright lied to the public about their intentions with regards to migration. The Tories talked a good talk about restricting migration than when elected did the exact opposite. The Tories even kept the borders open during Covid which led us to be in a situation where the pubs were closed but the borders were wide open.

There’s too much good, informative stuff in Mr Jones’s article for me to be able to take a representative quote from it so I’ll just put the link to the entire article up below.

It’s clear from observing the Johnson government and from reading Mr Jones’s article that the Tories lied to us the Britons about migration. The Tories told us that they would listen to the people on this issue but then did the exact opposite of what the people wanted and what they voted for.

The Tories flooded Britain with burdensome wrong’uns and they did it deliberately, without any care that this flood would negatively affect Britons. It is sadly going to take more than a change of leader or two to wipe that betrayal of the people from the minds of voters. I want to see a strong conservative minded Conservative Party and this is because for all the Tory party’s faults, it is a party with a very strong organisational structure, the sort of structure that a party needs in order to win elections, but I keep coming back to the question of trust. Can anybody who cares about this country and who wants to see the damage of decades repaired ever trust the Tories on matters pertaining to migration ever again? Sadly I think not.