I do like a story that contains the words………

in #britain5 days ago

….’I kicked the shit out of two jihadis’.

Interesting story that has come to my attention. Apparently there’s a Jewish guy in the UK who got attacked by a gang of ‘Islamists’ according to his description. They stole his Israeli flag but although he lost his flag to these savages, two of the savages apparently came off worse. ‘I got assaulted by a gang of Islamists’ he says. ‘They stole my Israeli flag’ he added. ‘That made me sad but I kicked the shit out of two of them and that makes me happy’.


I of course was not present during this altercation but I’ve got a fair idea who most likely started it and I doubt it was the Jewish guy. He was probably walking along minding his own business when he was spotted by the Islamists and being identifiably Jewish this kicked the general Islamic hatred for Jews into gear.

This is what Islamists do. They either instigate violence or threaten violence in order to advance their expansionist cause and it’s fear of Islamic violence why people and societies cave into their demands. Islamism should, in Britain, have had the equivalent of having the shit kicked out of it after the Rushdie Affair. The response to the Rushdie Affair should have been much more muscular than it was. There should have been police and security service operatives kicking in the doors of mosques and Islamic ‘community centres’ and going through the Islamic ‘community’ with a fine tooth comb to weed out, imprison, intern or better still remove from the country those Islamists that were found. Maybe if this had happened then Islamism in the UK might have been largely nipped in the bud. Unfortunately that’s not what successive British governments did. Instead it pandered to the Islamists, treated them as ‘authentic’ representations of Islam, sucked up their lies and taqiyya, whilst side-lining open minded Muslim reformers and ex-Muslims. This appeasement didn’t reduce the problem of Islamism, in fact it’s pretty easy to argue based on the current Islamic extremism situation that it has intensified the depth and breadth of the problem.

We should never had had a society where gangs of Islamists can attack identifiable Jews on the street like this. We should never recreated a situation, such as existed in the early to mid part of the 20th century where British Jews had to be good with their fists in order to deal with those who want to kill them. That sort of thing should have been a memory like that of the physical actions of the 43 Group against Oswald Mosley’s supporters when he tried to recreate British fascism after World War II. But now, thanks to decades of the state’s misplaced belief in the doctrine of multiculturalism and the constant consistent pandering to Islam, including its more challenging elements, we now have the situations that existed in the past coming back. As Islamist violence against British Jews rises and rises so there will be more Jews in Britain who recognise that the State has failed them and they cannot rely on the state for security and safety. The state has chosen its side and it’s clearly not us.

As many of this blog’s regular readers will by now know I’m all for solving the nation’s problems via political means, using the ballot box rather than the steel toecapped boot. But when the state fails to protect its citizens, whether they be Jewish or not, from Islamists then those who are attacked by Islamists could I’m afraid be forced into percieiving that they need to defend themselves against said Islamists.

Britain’s Jews have already been mightily let down by Britain’s police forces. Politically ‘bent’ or biased police forces such as London’s Metropolitan Police have spent the time since the October 7th Pogrom pandering to Islamists and Leftists who take to the capitals streets week after week to call for the genocide of Israel’s Jews. It’s very difficult for either a Jew or for many non-Jews for that matter to be able to trust forces that pander and appease those who clearly wish Jews dead. This diminishing trust and confidence in forces like the Met among both Jews and non-Jews is likely going to propel those at risk of harassment or attack from Islamists to take what they believe are appropriate defensive steps to counter such attacks.

This guy did the right thing. He was attacked by some scum of the earth Islamists and fought back. I’m pretty sure, based on what I’ve read of this incident on the web, that he didn’t instigate this confrontation, I would hazard a pretty confident guess that it was the Islamists who did all the instigation as well as the thievery. Well done to that man. He stood up against some nasties and survived with only minor injuries and got two of the Islamists on the floor it seems. This is a case of Proud Jew 2 Inbred Islamist savages 0 so to speak. If ever I meet this man I’ll buy him a beer, a Kosher one of course.

Whilst I’m pleased that a couple of violent Islamists have got their just desserts this sort of attack by Islamists is a bad sign for our society. It’s an indication that things are breaking down and the state is failing and I think that things will get worse. The Islamists will, as time goes on, continue to get more and more bold and violent against first Jews and then Christians and anybody else who counters them. This in turn will elicit a defensive response from those at risk of attack by Islamists. Who knows? We could be seeing the beginnings of the return of the spectre of vigilantism, something I’ve warned about on numerous occasions, starting to appear. If the police will not protect people from this sort of Islamist who is clearly driven by Jew hatred then people, Jews and non-Jews for differing reasons, will step up to try to do the tasks that the state has clearly failed at. This is not a situation that I either wanted or asked for but it is what it is.