During the General Election we had a canvasser from the Labour Party come a knocking. I greeted this representative of this scum party with the sort of language that I deemed necessary. I included in my screed some choice home truths about how Labour had turned the area I grew up in from a relatively safe racially mixed area into an Islamised jihadi infested shithole. I also informed the Labour scumbag that Labour’s management of my birth area had made elderly relatives lives an absolute fucking misery due to two tier resource allocation and horrendously unsafe streets.
Apparently I’m not the only one who has decided to chuck some verbal truth bombs at Labour canvassers. This guy in the video below got a knock on his door from a Labour canvasser and told him exactly what he thought of a party that has done immense damage to Britain both in local and national government.
Here’s the video. Enjoy.
The householder was in my view bang on correct to tell the canvasser exactly what he thinks of Labour. This is because Labour are no longer for ‘us’ the British working people, but have instead morphed into a party whose priorities are Muslims (both rapist and non-rapist ones), dinghy invaders, blokes in dresses and censoring those Britons who dislike the shitshow that Britain has become.