Doctrine of Christ the son of God

in #broelisoriano2 years ago


Jesus the saviour of the and son of God.
Romans(1:2-9): he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scripture.

I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the foolishi thing that people often say about him:" I am ready to accept Jesus as the great moral teacher, but I don't accept him as God,that is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher.

Jesus of nazereth.
In mattew and Luke we find account of the birth of jesus. Both point out that Jesus was born of a virgin by the name of Mary in the town of Bethlehem (mattew 1: 18;2:12) 1:18: now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise. When as his mother Mary was espoused to joseph, before they came together,she was found with the child of the holy ghost. (Luke 1:26-27); attempt to find allusions to the virgin birth in Galatians 4:4 and John 8:41 are quite forced. Attempt to explain these accounts are parrellels in the Greek literature and above all on the Jewish nature of these account.

The ministry of Jesus began with his baptism by John ( mark 1:1-15); (acts 1:21) and his temptations by Satan. His ministry involved the selection of twelve disciples (mark 3:13-19) , which symbolised the regathering of the twelve tribes of isreal; the preaching of the need of repentance (1:15), and the arrival of the kingdom of God in this ministry (like 11:20); the offer of salvation to the outcast of society ( mark 2:15-17; Luke 15;19:10), the healing of the sick and demon possessed ( which is referred to in the Jewish tamuld; and his return to redirect the kingdom of isreal to God.

Sources of information about Jesus Christ.
Non christian source can be divided into two groups : pagan and jewish. Both are limited in their value.

The Christ of faith.
The unique self understanding of Jesus can be ascertained by two means the implicit christology revealed by titles he chose to describe himself.

Implicit christology: Jesus during his ministry acted as one who possed a unique power and authority. He assumed for himself the prerogative of cleansing the temple (Mark 11:12-33), of bring the outcasts into the kingdom of God and having authority of divine authority to forgive sins (mark 2:5-7).

Jesus also as talked as one who possessed authority greater than that of the old testament (mattew 5:31-32)than Abraham, jacob and the temple. He claimed to be the Lord of the Sabbath , he even claimed that the destiny of all people depends on how they respond to him.

Explicitly christology: along with the implicit christology of his behaviors Jesus also made certain christological claims by means of the various titles he used for himself.
Jesus the son of God, his doctrines.
Jesus in the gospel: his humanity was taken for granted in the synoptic gospels, as if it could not occur to anyone to question it.we see him lying in the cradle, growing, learning, subject to hunger, anxiety, doubt, disappointment, surprise and finally to death and burial.

Jesus as the messiah: his true significance can be understood only when his relationship to the people in those midst he was born was clear. In the event set in motion in his in the events set on motion in his earthly career, God's purpose and covenants with isreal is fulfilled. He is the one who comes to do what neither people of old testament nor their anointed representative - the prophets, priest and king could do.

Living like christ.
Christ is a role model to Christians. Even though we was persecute he make sure that he accomplished the work that is father sent him. Are you living like christ?.

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