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RE: Bad Management & Talent Evaluations.....the story of the sorry ass suckbag Kansas City Chiefs!

in #broncos8 years ago

The Chiefs have always been a team that seems to strive for mediocrity. Just look at their quarterback for the last 5 years, Alex Smith. I mean, he's a decent enough QB, but he'll never set the world on fire (a.k.a Trent Dilfer, Joe Flacco, or any Jacksonville QB since Mark Brunell).

The Chiefs team philosophy must be something like "only one superstar at a time". They never seem to have more than one great player on their team. For the last several years it's been Jam Cha. Before that it was some wide receiver that I forget his name. Point is, it's always just one person and that's it.

Granted, their defense has been very good as of late (not Bronco's great) but it been above average (my Steelers defense has really been sucking as of late, hopefully this new crop of CBs will kick it up a notch), but unless you have a standout on the defense (Von Miller, JJ Watt), the DE is just a nameless, faceless group of guys.

They need to get a couple of superstars and I do not see that happening any time soon.


They will still be pretty good this year, I mean they won the AFC West so they can't have gotten too much worse. I think the RB injury really hurts their depth but we will see so I guess.

That "red & yellow booger picker" line killed me. I would agree that Charles looks good, I really love that he makes bocks and saves Trev from getting creamed. I think he's more fragile than most backs in the league but like we all know any player can go down for the season in seconds. Anything to make the offense better would be a bonus from last year. As a side note I am glad Pax wont get to play next week because I think Sloter is a better anyway. Entertaining as always Bronc Nutz kepp em coming.

Thanks for watching cuz.....only trying to get a few laughs.