
Both Facebook and Google started off good but somehow lost their way. I feel the same thing is in store for most of the blockchains out there. Some speech needs to be filtered but Google has definetely gone too far. It is slowly losing dominance just like Facebook.

It is the natural course for any company which gains too much dominance. With power comes the need to keep it and out of this always grows manipulation. The only way to fix it is to take humans out of the equation.

Everyone gets the same suggestion on DuckDuckGo, but on Google it is personalised. For example I don't get the same results as the picture.

I think it's a bit more complicated than what this picture is suggesting.

Ah! Thanks for this clarification. That does make more sense now.

Brilliant! - I stopped using goofle years ago because they are just all out propaganda - and that suckerberg search sums it up perfectly!

I had been using google like a fool. Finding this comparison however has done it for me. NO MORE GOOGLE!!!!

No matter how cool those talking T-Shirts are!!!

Definitely fuck Google. But fuck DuckDuckGo too:

Hey there Kevin! Funnily enough I found this image on Minds.

Thanks for the link. I will check your article now...

Sure thing ;)

How does this work. Is it based on number or searches or a mere manipulation of predictive text.

That is a good question and I have to admit I don't know the answer. One assumes that it should be based on number of searches. Though Google is clearly manipulated.

True. Google hides many things. I'm starting to use duckduckgo now.

I get a slightly different result.

Yeah, I understand now that google tailors what we see to fit our viewing habits. So everyone will see something slightly different. Weasel is number one for you! Love it.

I tried it with Start Page and got:

Mark Zuckerberg is a 'ruthless execution machine,' ex-Twitter CEO

but otherwise mostly the same as google. I support Start Page because I do not want Duckie to become so powerful that they also turn against us, but it does seem they are the better of the 3.

However, Start Page does have one big advantage. When I have the links I want, SP offers me the choice to go there other non-Tor search engine offers this.