Brower Mining Publisher Analysis

in #browsermining7 years ago (edited)

August marks the six month point since we started running monthly analysis of the publisher mining sector.

We did this by taking the majestic_million.csv file which is a publicly available list of the one million highest rated websites by SEO factors and crawling them to detect cryptocurrency miners.

The results are as follows:-

JSEcoin Market Share
March 2018 2.94%
April 2018 3.31%
May 2018 3.78%
June 2018 6.4%
July 2018 7.58%
August 2018 9.01%

Over the past 6 months JSEcoin has grown to become the world’s largest opt-in only browser mining platform with more publishers than our largest opt-in competitor authedmine. Hidden background monero miners are still popular but this is changing and the growth we’ve seen so far is exceptional considering the token is not yet tradeable. While there will always be competition from hidden background miners we can target the higher end of the market with an ethical and more efficient approach to browser mining. Once exchange listed we expect volumes to soar and the publisher base to explode.

webminerAnalysisAugust.jpg“It’s one year since we launched the original platform and this time next year there is no reason why JSE shouldn’t have a larger publisher base than all the other browser miners combined.” – CEO James Bachini

There’s still time for early adopters to benefit from comparatively lower levels of competition. If you have a website get your mining code snippet from


The registration link that you have provided doesn't work. The site is down or doesn't exist.

Posted using Partiko Android

Check if you have an ad blocker or AV blocking it

Seems there is a typo in the link (platfrom instead of platform)

The website miner widget works wonders also :)

Yeah the mining is super easy and as JSECoin claims, it consume very little computational power... I mined more than 500 coins in just one month...
JSE Token indeed has a future.

Posted using Partiko Android

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

csv file which is a publically available list of the one million highest rated websites by SEO factors and crawling them to detect cryptocurrency miners.
It should be publicly instead of publically.

mining is future

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment