Oooh, alien woodpeckers. I like it. Though they must wear special helmets, since our atmosphere is different. Helmets with a hole in the front to peck through, with some sort of bellows to seal the beak up from the outside. Complicated. I'd draw one here, but can't draw worth beans. So you have to use your imagination. Which I'd say is pretty darn large in it's own right...
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Their beaks are made of a weird crystal combination and just because their metabolism is really fast they can carved anything in a blink of an eye. The beaks gets really hot and thats why it looks like it was burned. They left cause they are allergic to cats so basically we have to thank cats to saved us from being invaded by aliens.
Lucky for us there are cats everywhere. I shall thank them, next time they cross my path. Which is often. And I'm glad they don't like to peck on our noggins. That would no doubt put us out of existence.