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RE: BRUTAL HONESTY: The obsession with legacy...

in #brutalhonest7 years ago

This IS the end cycle for old failed theory, I truly think so.

If they don't pull off this leftist movement this time - It will be buried a a viable option for running governments.

This is the all or nothing push. 'They' will have no where to go, after this, and no credibility.
Game over. The emperor will have no clothes..

The world (I hope), is truly starting to see through the BS that has posed as a legitimate political/economic theory and system, for the last 100 years.


The problem is we've allowed our educations systems and higher education to be taken over by marxists. They teach the children/undeveloped/immature their ideology, then give them tools to ignore any challenge while virtue signalling how great and tolerant they are. Complete and utter indoctrination as bad as any cult. No free thinking... free thinking and tolerance to them are simply chants. They have truly no idea what those words really mean, they just know they have emotional power so are something they should chant to justify their actions though their actions are the opposite of what those words actually mean.

Everything you said is correct.

(unfortunately these children, now in grown up bodies - have been given a vote - which make it very tiresome lol)

(sorry for not up voting your comment, mate - I'm trying to power up..!)