With another exchange taken down because some users are criminals thousand of honest users lost access to their funds.
the recent take down of BTC-e resembles a lot the story of Mt.gox, I personaly was impacted by Mtgox colapse and decided to move all my funds to the Bitshares DEX, best thing I did...
So, with examples like, Mtgox, cryptsy, btc-e ... why do people prefer to take the risk of these platforms rather than moving to a DEX?
and for the first time, bitcoin price is actually up after such an event. This is HUGE for the price not to crash from such a significant amount of long-term loyal users being burned in this way.
BTE-e was already dying anyway... so a crash would be not anticipated. Polo on another way... could cause some damage.
Well!!!! guess what?
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Eager to know what it was! =)
Exchanges are risky. You should only keep whats necessary for trading on an exchange. You should have a wallet on a separate clean computer for your crypto savings.