There is only one thing you can do. Invest all BTC in Steem 😊
The problem here is again the investment Banks. Of course there was a big bubble. BTC was once a normal Cryptocurrency. Something to pay with on a few stores and a few trade it to use it.
But then comes the investments and the price jumped high only because a few rich people wants to become more rich.
But it was just a Luftschloss like we say in Germany. a castle in the air.
The price on the stock market has no real realtime to the Cryptocurrency anymore. It was just hyped. and of course then when the price was the highest a lot of people sell there BTC and the price fall.
And the fallen price frightening more and they also start to sell.
Maybe soon the Cryptocurrency are real currencys and be stable to the normal currencys. Without this big jumps.
Guten Morgen Berlin!
Na, dann mach mal! Ober hast du keine BTC?
Just kidding.
Hast du dich schon in Berlin mit anderen Steemians vernetzt? Nur so als Tipp.
Gruß aus München.