
So will I! Lol
Let’s hope for both of us!
I AM going to stock up on XVG then Hold, Hold, Hold 😂

Any current thoughts on XVG, this an actual impulse or just to allow some holders to get out and have a proper correction down to .04 for us? :)

It's actually very tricky in XVG right now. We have two inverted Head and Shoulders patterns (one big and one small) which is bullish, but an expanded flat correction could go up to .1 and still crash to .04 afterwards. It's a tough call. I am glad that I am hodling my XVG since 2017.
I am only going to buy more at .12 and at .043 (if that happens)

Very tricky indeed, I actually sold all mine (cant regret making money, bought .01, sold .11) however wish bought more and kept some.
I really hope it drops!!! Then im buying up and HOLDING long... :)
Be a cool post for you to do..

Do you think H&S is looking more probable now?
I am debating buying some back in now for long hold, if not going to see lower price again..

I think its 50:50. You could split your position. Buy 50% now and another if it drops again.

Not a bad idea.

Also have you registered your EOS for the token swap?
I am having trouble finding info for the best way, using MEW seems Soooo complicated and also they were hacked recently so looking for an alternative option

I am not using mew.
The token swap happens automatically on binance and bitfinex. So maybe transfer your tokens there?

Thanks will look into that, cheers