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RE: BTC – 45-minutes of Truth - Elliott Wave, Price Targets, and Chart Patterns – PLUS: A FRESH Chart-Cast VIDEO overview!

in #btc7 years ago

Quite interesting, thank you again, @humblestudent! It still seems, however, that at every twist and turn, the depths of the rabbit-hole just keep on getting deeper and deeper... Ha! The first thing I need to do is to get a "smartphone," for which I've had no need for up until now. I am obviously unable to "confirm" a phone number without one... That's where I got stuck at the @epayments site. Stopped me dead in my tracks I tell ya! Ha... All in good time I suppose - whatever shall be, shall be. Thank you so much again for helping me out in this regard. THANKS, man!


And by the way thanks for your research! Really appriciate itI would like to add there is a exchange (, which is related to epayments, when you pass verification you can link your accounts and use it to trade, but only a few basic coins. there is one more alternative for your purpuse, you might want to check it out too.

Thank you for those links and suggestions @crackerjack349!

Sorry to hear that, man. However, there are other similar cards where it is possible (I haven't used them) that a smartphone is not needed - bitwala, tenX, etc. I mean, it makes sense that at least one of these companies does not force all of its potential clients to own a smartphone in order to use their services...There must be some way out of here!

ha-ha! Thanks, man! I will check out those others you've mentioned. As a "plan-B," I do have an old (still boxed) Nokia Lumina-900 gathering dust in a drawer. Never activated it because I didn't want to pay upwards of triple-digits per month for a data plan I wasn't going to use. The plan-B is that when my brother comes to visit later this month, we are going to try to activate my Nokia on his family plan. Thanks again for all of your help!

You are welcome, I hope you find an easy solution with your steem transaction. As long as I am capable of providing any help - you can count on me. Also, thank you for following me, I am really honored. Cheers!