Project Idea: Handheld air gapped Raspberry Pi based crypto wallet printer

in #btc8 years ago

I'm working on a project and I wanted to tell you about it in case you have advice or criticism. I want to create a handheld device using an airgapped raspberry pi that will print crypto wallets with a connected receipt printer.

It would optionally allow inputting physical dice rolls to pick a random seed phrase, otherwise it would generate a random seed phrase itself and the connected receipt printer would print out the paper wallet using warp wallet or similar. I want to do this in order to give secure paper crypto wallets to my friends and family.

So far I have a Raspberry Pi Zero and micro SD card but can't afford a USB hub yet. I'm just working on getting all the parts so far, so if anyone has advice it would be greatly appreciated.


Not advice but this sounds like a cool project. Make sure to post pics during/after completion

Yeah I will, I'll either post when I'm done or do some kind of build log.